Chalet Trip
Around the end of Hilary term, you will receive an email inviting you to attend one of the New College Reading Parties run every summer! This is a unique opportunity to spend ten days in an early twentieth-century wooden, electricity-free chalet in the Alps where you will meet a wide range of people, explore the Alps and read (whether for work or leisure) in an idyllic setting.
There are usually two trips every summer with space for around 14 students. Places are given on a first-come-first-served basis, but with the aim to maintain a balance between genders, subjects and JCR and MCR members. On top of this, a manager and bursar (both students who have attended the chalet trip previously) and a senior member attend and organise the trips. Priority is given to those who haven’t already been on the trip, so if you find yourself desperate to go back once you’re there, you should talk to the senior member on your trip about applying to be a manager or bursar in the future.
For more information on the Chalet see the College website. However, everything will be explained in the email you receive! These trips are heavily subsidised by College, so not only is it a unique opportunity, it’s a very good deal. It won’t cost more than £10 a day total (including an abundance of wine), and there are some very cheap flights if you book in advance. Nonetheless, if you are worried about funding the trip do not hesitate to apply: once you get a place the Chalet Trust will be able to provide monetary support if necessary.