
Studying at Oxford is challenging for everyone but can be particularly so for people with disabilities (even if they are already receiving support). All students deserve the same opportunities to enjoy all aspects of university life, regardless of any disability. This includes specific learning difficulties, mental health issues, developmental disorders, sensory impairments, mobility difficulties and chronic conditions (e.g. diabetes, arthritis and respiratory conditions).
If you think any of these apply to you, it is very useful to make the College aware, so that the appropriate support can be provided. The first step to take is to contact the following members of staff within New College:
Gez Wells– Home Bursar
The Home Bursar has a big role in College life, so it is useful for him to be aware of any disabilities. Gez is also the person to contact regarding accommodation and mobility requirements.
Freyja Madsen – Academic Registrar
Freyja is the College’s Disability Coordinator, and is the person to contact regarding any academic-related needs.
Disability Advisory Service
The Disability Advisory Service provides information and advice about the way in which a particular disability may impact on your experience at University. They can assist you with putting in place disability-related study support throughout College, departments and faculties. They can also guide you through your application for Disabled Students Allowance, or other disability-related funding. More information and contacts, as well as disclosure and study support forms, can be found on their website. They also have a useful list of resources for specific disabilities.
Email for advice: disability@admin.ox.ac.uk
Below are some further resources that you may find useful. If you know of any resources that you think others would find useful but can’t see listed here, or have any other suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the JCR Committee.
Oxford Students’ Disability Community
The Oxford Students’ Disability Community (OSDC) is a group of interested students who represent the needs and aspirations of students with disabilities within the University. They run events every week in term time, including socials, workshops and mental health themed art and support groups. They also run informative talks and events to promote awareness, campaign for better understanding and treatment of disability, and advocate for students with disabilities at Oxford. The Community and their events are open to any Oxford student; those who identify as living with a disability and those who do not. OSDC also have close ties with the university LGBTQ Campaign, Women’s Campaign and CRAE – the Campaign for Racial Equality. LGBTQCam and WomCam have disability working groups, for people who identify as LGBTQ+ and disabled, and as women or non-binary and disabled, respectively.