Faith & Ethnic Minorities

Life at Oxford can sometimes be difficult when there are few others with the same ethnic background, so our Faith & Ethnic Minorities Rep is there to represent the views of the faith and ethnic minorities community in the JCR – if you have any ideas or issues you want raised, they’re a great person to get in contact with. The FEM Rep will also be organising various workshops throughout the year to help improve understanding about equality issues, as well as setting up a space for members of the ethnic minority community to meet and discuss their experiences informally. They are also Peer Supporter trained, so can be contacted confidentially about anything either in person, via Facebook and email.=
The OU Peers of Colour are a group of peer supporters trained at various colleges and from various cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds, who have come together to create one collective team for students across the University. You can contact them through their Facebook page here and email them at
There are also lots of useful groups and resources throughout the University. For example, many societies are set up for various national, cultural and religious groups – you can find out more about these societies at the OUSU Freshers’ Fair, or from the OUSU wesbite. These societies are a great way to meet people with similar cultures, beliefs or interests, and are a fun way to socialise and make friends outside of College.
If you want to take an active role in improving ethnic minority students’ experience at Oxford University, you can get involved in the OUSU Campaign for Racial Awareness and Equality (CRAE) – CRAE is one of OUSU’s permanent campaign groups aiming to improve and support the experience of minority ethnic students and eliminate racism at Oxford. They hold many events and informal discussion groups each term which you can find out about on their Facebook page here and at their OUSU page.