JCR Committee

President - Patrick Mayhew
Email: patrick.mayhew@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hello incoming freshers! I'm Paddy, a second-year Historian and your President for this coming year. You'll see me around during freshers' week I'm sure, and hopefully (at least by the end of the first few weeks) I'll have got to know a lot of you well. As a JCR team we're here to make sure your start to life at Oxford is as welcoming, supportive and, at times, thrilling as possible. My role is to support the rest of the team in all they do and to represent your interests to College and the wider university.
Of course, moving across the country to live with a bunch of strangers will be daunting. I felt that in the long journey to Oxford and in the ensuing days and weeks. There will be plenty of bumps along the way. My advice is to enjoy throwing yourself outside of your comfort zone as best as possible. And when you need us, we're here for you to fall back on. This is a community I have felt at home in and as a committee, our desire is that that experience becomes everyone's. My inbox, either emails or Facebook, is always open. See you at the start of term!

Vice President for Operations - Simran Iswaran
Email: simran.iswaran@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi everyone! I’m Sim, a second-year chemist and your Vice President for Operations this year. I work with the Operations side of the JCR committee to manage Freshers, charities, the food and bar, entz, arts, the environmental and ethical impact of our JCR, sports, academic affairs, housing and the JCR (the room!). These are all run by the respective reps, an amazing group of people you can meet later on in the guide. The operations committee has loads of brilliant events and activities in the works for this year, but we’re also here to make sure you get the most out of your first year at New College. We’re also always happy to receive suggestions, so if you have any send them our way! If anyone has any questions or concerns, no matter how small or stupid they may seem, feel free to reach out for a chat. In the meantime, have an amazing summer and see you all in Oxford in October!

Vice President for Welfare and Equality - Imaan Haider
Email: imaan.haider@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi everyone! I’m Imaan, a second-year History and Politics student and your Vice President for Welfare and Equality this year. I know coming into your first year at uni can be exciting and daunting at the same time. My role is to work with the JCR committee to provide any support you may need to help you feel at home here at New College. The welfare and equality team will be running lots of fun events throughout the year, including freshers’ week, where you can all get to know each other better. Events like Karaoke Nights, BAME Movie Nights, and Gay Drinks are just some of what we have planned for you.
I’m also here to represent your interests and concerns with College administration and the wider university. If you have any issues or changes you’d like to see within College, come to me or anyone on the JCR committee and I will do everything I can to make sure your voice is heard. Please do drop me a message on Facebook or by email if you have any questions at all, at any point and about anything. I hope you’re enjoying the summer, and I look forward to meeting you all in October!

Treasurer - Amol Dhekane
Email: amol.dhekane@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hey, my name is Amol and I'm a second year studying Economics and Management. I will be your Treasurer for this year, and this involves budgeting for JCR finances, making payments and reimbursements and ensuring all the fantastic events, programmes and resources provided by the other reps are financed properly. I'm very excited to be able to make your College life this year the best it can be, and feel free to approach me or message me if you have any questions at all. Looking forward to welcoming all of you to College soon!

Secretary - Theresa Grealy
Email: theresa.grealy@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi everyone! I’m Theresa, a second year studying English Language and Literature, and I’m your JCR Secretary for this year. This is the first time that our JCR has had a Secretary, but basically, I’ll be making sure that JCR meetings can run smoothly and keeping you all updated with what’s going on behind the scenes so you can quickly get to grips with how things work here. As an ethnic minority state school student, I know how tough and intimidating the transition to Oxford can be, but I would encourage everyone to get involved and try new things, and our friendly JCR committee will do everything we can to help make the change as easy as possible. Feel free to reach out (you can message me on Facebook!) if you have any questions or concerns now or stop me for a chat around college when term starts – looking forward to meeting you all!

Welfare Officer (Women and Transfeminine) - Sofie Procter
Email: sofie.procter@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi everyone! I’m Sofie, a second-year psychology student, and I’m really excited to be your welfare rep, alongside the fabulous Aiden! Starting university can be quite a daunting experience so we’re here to help make the transition as smooth as possible and look out for you all – remember that we probably experienced many of the struggles you will! We’ll organise welfare teas and other fun events, to make sure you are having some downtime and will always be here if you need a chat, hoping to offer confidential advice where possible. I look forward to meeting you all in October – please don’t hesitate to stop me and say hi if I’m passing you in College! Feel free to reach out before then if you have any questions or anything you are concerned about, and we will try our best to help.

Welfare Officer (Male, Transmasculine and Minority gender) - Aiden Dillon
Email: aiden.dillon@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hey everyone, my name is Aiden, I am in my second year of Oxford studying French. I will be one of the two welfare officers for your year; we have the same responsibilities and knowledge so there is always one of us to go to. I am gay, from a WorkingClass background and suffer from mental illnesses so if you feel like you want to talk to someone regarding those aspects, I am your anxious gal. As for what I’ll be doing, I will always be a listening ear whether you just want someone to talk to about life or you have specific welfare issues.
To get to me, you can email me or you can talk to me or Sofie at a welfare tea which we host. We also run the New College ‘Cookie Fairy’ Facebook page which you can message and ask us to send your friend a cookie and/or a compliment for free! Also, every 5th Week we will host a couple of events such as something artsy or musical for what is called the ‘5th week blues’. Please get in touch with me before you start if you want to know what College or students can offer for your wellbeing, but otherwise I can’t wait to be meeting you all soon!

LGBTQ+ Officer - Sophie Jones
Email: sophie.jones@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi everyone! I’m Sophie, a second-year PPE student, and I’m so excited to be your LGBTQ+ Officer this year. My job is to make sure that the LGBTQ+ community in College is as welcoming and comfortable as possible, and hopefully a lot of fun too! Throughout the year I’ll be running gay drinks every week, as well as some bigger events, including an LGBTQ+ formal and events for LGBT History Month. I also want to make it easy for you guys to find information about uni-wide events going on, like the annual Glitterball and more identity-focused events like the OULGBTQ+ BisexualiTEA.
On the welfare side, I’ll be working with the Welfare Officers, the Trans Officer, and the new Sexual Health Officer, and I’ll always be available to listen to, and help with, any issues or queries you might have. Please feel free to drop me a message or an email if you have any questions or worries, or just fancy a chat, and I can’t wait to meet you all in October!

Outreach Officer - Gabriel Pang
Email: gabriel.pang@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Heya everyone:)) I’m Gabriel, a second year Philosophy and French student, and I’m going to be your Access and Outreach Officer this year! My job (alongside Malwina, your Inreach officer) is to ensure that everyone here, regardless of background or identity, feels welcome and included in the New College community. The ‘outreach’ part of my role means that my job is more of an outward-facing one: I’ll be encouraging you all to get involved with school visits and Q&As for prospective applicants, especially those from ‘non-traditional Oxford backgrounds.
I know that coming to Oxford is quite an intimidating thing, so please feel free to drop me a message if you have any worries or any questions about what it’s like here at New College. I can’t wait to meet you all in October!<33

Inreach Officer - Malwina Kozlowska
Email: malwina.kozlowska@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi everyone! I’m Malwina, a second year studying French and Beginners’ German and I’ll be your Inreach Officer this year. My role will be about making sure that everyone feels welcome and included at New College, particularly those from non-traditional Oxford backgrounds (this includes, but is not limited to, state school students, first gen, low income, young carers, etc.). I hope to organise lots of social events, both within College and with other colleges, so that we can create a supportive access community within New College, but also to give you all the opportunity to branch out and meet people from similar backgrounds across the whole uni.
I will also be continuing the tradition of an access parenting scheme, which runs in a similar way to your College families, but will be aimed specifically at access students, who will be paired with second years from non-traditional backgrounds. You will probably receive emails from me with more information on bursaries, grants, travel awards, and other financial support over the year, but if you have any financial questions, or general concerns or worries about Oxford, no matter how big or small, please don’t hesitate to reach out on Facebook or to email me – I’ll always be up for a chat! I can’t wait to meet you all in October and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer!

Womxn's Officer - Alice Nightingale
Email: alice.nightingale@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hey everyone! I’m Alice, I’m a second year reading English and I’ll be your Womxn’s Officer this year, which means I represent all self-identifying women in New College. I’ll keep you updated on College and uni-wide events and opportunities with which you can get involved. I’ll be regularly holding Sip and Solve (a study group for women with free snacks!) as well as organising a big celebration for International Women’s Day. I also have a budget to reimburse you for certain period products — I’ll tell you more about this in Michaelmas. Feel free to message or email me, and I’m looking forward to meeting you all in October!

Faith and Ethnic Minorities Officer - Vivian Gu
Email: vivian.gu@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hello! My name is Vivian. I am a second-year PPEist, and I will be your Faith and Ethnic Minorities Officer for the coming year :) I’m here to make sure that students from all backgrounds feel at home and welcomed on campus. I hope to host many gatherings for students from faith and ethnic minority backgrounds this year and really build a community within and between colleges. I will also share information on relevant university-wide events and societies.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your life in College more accommodating. Feel free to reach out to me with any suggestions or concerns! I look forward to meeting you all.

Disabilities Officer - Helena Trenner
Email: helena.trenner@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/ Her
Hi! I’m Helena, a second-year English student and the Disabilities Officer. Congrats on making it this far! My job will essentially be to ensure that your experience at New College is as amazing as any of your peers’. Moving into university is not easy (although it is fantastic) and having a disability, visible or invisible, can make it harder. Hopefully, I will be able to mitigate some of that hardship. As a dyslexic and chronically ill person, I have tried my best to create an inclusive and open environment. However, I know there are problems that I cannot predict; if you encounter anything problematic, I am more than happy to help (or direct you towards whoever can help). Regardless of whether you think of yourself as disabled or not, you deserve the same College experience as your friends.
Please feel free to email me with any concerns, especially to do with Fresher’s Week: access needs, housing, support, anything. The more aware I am of your needs in advance, the more I can do to combat problems before they arise. Once in College, you can also come up to me whenever; I am easy to recognise by the cane and pink mobility scooter. I will also be easy to find on nights out as my cane lights up like a helpful beacon (a disability bat signal, if you will) so if you need any help navigating Fresher’s Week nightlife and beyond, I am here for you.

International and Overseas Officer - Daniel Shapiro
Email: daniel.shapiro@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hi there! I’m Daniel Shapiro, a second-year Biology student from Albuquerque, New Mexico in the United States, and I will be this year’s International and Overseas Officer. My goal is to ensure that all international students have a smooth transition upon arriving in Oxford, and that they are supported during their first year. I will be in contact with international freshers before the start of term to ensure that the process of arriving in the UK goes smoothly. I will host international student events such as city walks, game nights, pub crawls etc. throughout the year to create a strong sense of community and belonging.
I am always happy to answer any questions about being an international student at Oxford – feel free to reach out to me on Facebook Messenger (Daniel Shapiro) or email – and once I am back in Oxford, I am always happy to go for coffee or a pint and chat! I can’t wait to meet you all and I hope that we can bring the international community at New College together and help the incoming students have an amazing first year!

Academic Affairs Officer - Rhodri Williams
Email: rhodri.williams@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hi! I'm Rhodri, a second year studying Biomedical Sciences, and I'm the academic affairs officer this year. My role is to help students raise any academic issues that may arise during the year and ensure that relevant support is provided. Additionally, as academic affairs officer I will be organising some of the arrangements for the interview period and open days, so I'll be looking for keen student helpers! Please message/email me if you ever have any academic concerns, and I'll be arranging feedback forms and sessions throughout the year to make it as easy as possible for you to reach out!

Arts Officer - Beatriz Rilo
Email: maria.rilosanchez@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi! My name is Bea, I’m a second year PPEist from Madrid and I’ll be your Arts Rep this year! My job within College will be to put together and organise arts-related events, as well as to inform anyone looking to get into university-wide arts (student journalism, drama, radio, etc.) on the vast number of opportunities available at Oxford. New College provides a wide range of yearly events (Arts Week, pottery brunch, etc.) as well as facilities, such as an Art Store, from which you’ll be able to borrow pieces to decorate your room, a camera, and a sewing machine. I’m also looking forward to listening to any suggestions on how we can improve the art scene in College or accommodate for any art forms you may be interested in! Have a lovely summer and see you in October!

Entz Officers - Aryan Gupta and Sky Stewart-Roberts
Emails: aryan.gupta@new.ox.ac.uk and sky.stewart-roberts@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him and She/Her
Hi there, we are your Entz (entertainment) officers for your first year at New College. This means it is our job to make sure you get the perfect work life balance and get involved with events we throw for the College. Oxford might be a lot of work but it’s also a tonne of fun if you want it to be! We help by planning themed college club nights known as BOPs (some of the best nights of your year guaranteed), live music evenings, and some bigger events like the infamous New College Boat Party and garden party in Trinity term. There are also lots of non-drinking events and alternatives at every night so everyone can enjoy and get involved.
This year we are also helping plan an eventful and exciting Fresher’s week with the Freshers committee to get you used to the busy life of Oxford and give you the downlow on how to get the best experience from first year. We hope this has given you a little insight into social life at New College and you are looking forward to arriving! Drop us any questions or wonderings, happy to chat about anything, see you in October!

Sports Officers - Jess Hurley and Noah Miller
Emails: jessica.hurley@new.ox.ac.uk and noah.miller@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her and He/Him
Hi everyone, we’re Jess and Noah and are the JCR sports officers. Jess studies English and Noah studies Biochemistry, and we’ve both found that we’ve had loads of time to fit in sports around our degrees this year and would encourage you all to do the same! With lots of rugby and rowing experience under our belts (amongst other sports) we’re here to help you with any sportsrelated questions you may have, but please feel free to approach us over any query you may have!
New College has excelled in the sports scene in the past year with the ladies coming second rugby cuppers final, the men winning the rugby cuppers final, the ladies netball team and mixed tennis teams also clinching wins. We can’t wait to meet you all and get another phenomenal year of cuppers underway!!

Housing and Facilities Officer - Danny Hussain
Email: daniyal.hussain@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/They
Hi Guys! I’m Danny and I will be your Housing and Facilities Officer for the next year. I am a second year studying Psychology and Philosophy. My role is really anything to do with accommodation and facilities in New College, including balloting, vacation storage, laundry (and everything in between). You’ll get to know me a bit better in Hilary when I run your housing ballot, but until then feel free to email me with questions about anything to do with living and working in College. Once you’ve settled in I’ll be your first point of call when you have any issues or queries regarding your room or College facilities, or if you’d like to borrow one of the JCR air mattresses. I cannot wait to meet you all in Michaelmas :)

Charities Officer - Eliza Copland
Email: eliza.copland@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi, I’m Eliza, a second year Biochemist and I will be your charities rep! I’ll be organising lots of fun events that raise money throughout the year, such as: world cup charity sweepstakes, bring your teddy to dinner day and loads more ideas to get excited about! You can always come to me if you have an idea for something that can raise money, and I'll do my best to make it a reality!! I’m also your source of any volunteering and fundraising information, in order to make it easier for you to give back in your free time! There are loads of great charitable opportunities to get involved in at New College, so we should be able to have a really great time while making a difference. I’m always too ready for a chat so please get in touch with any questions about charities or if there’s absolutely anything at all that you’d like to talk about!! Can't wait to meet you!!

Environmental and Ethics Officer - Phoebe Reid
Email: phoebe.reid@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi! I’m Phoebe and I’m going to be your E&E rep for the coming year! My job is to make College as sustainable as possible. This year I want to get everyone involved by holding some fun events in college together with the entz and charities reps and improve the food waste situation in Hall. I also want to try and make sustainability a day-to-day focus within College life, making it an easier option. New College is such an amazing place, I can’t wait for you all to get to know it and for us to get to know you! Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas and have an fab summer!!

Food and Bar Officer - Tom Ricketts
Email: thomas.ricketts@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hi all, I’m Tom a second year Ancient and Modern History student and Food and Bar Rep for this year. The Bar is a great space in College to work, play darts or grab a drink and there will be events in the bar in fresher’s week and through the rest of the year like pub quizzes, live music and hopefully getting live sport set up for the World Cup! I’m also hoping to improve college food to get meals that we like and are good for the environment served more often. If you’ve got any ideas for a new New College cocktail, or anything food or bar related feel free to drop me a line.

JCR Officer - Jakob Hobbs
Email: jakob.hobbs@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hello, I'm Jakob, a second-year Classicist and your JCR Officer! The JCR is a fantastic place to attend events, socialise, and relax and it is my mission to make the space as inviting as possible. My role involves ensuring that facilities and furniture are kept in good condition, keeping the JCR kitchen well-stocked, and coordinating events, particularly during Freshers' week. If you would like to learn more about the JCR space just drop me an email! Regardless, I look forward to meeting you all next term :)

Stash Rep - Jenny Hayes
Email: jennifer.hayes@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi! I'm Jenny, I'm a second year studying French and Spanish, and I'll be your Stash Rep for this year! If you didn’t already know, stash is clothing with the New College logo on it. I’ll be working on getting it out to you as soon as possible (so you can finally get your hands on the infamous puffer jackets!) so keep an eye out for updates on the JCR Facebook page later this term :))

Band Room Officer - James Harvey
Email: james.harvey@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hello! I’m James, and I’m the band room officer. This means I deal with the use of the band room equipment by members of the college, either for personal use or for College events. As such, if ever you feel you want equipment for the band room to satisfy your musical needs, or you’ve noticed some equipment has gone faulty, I’m the person to talk to! The band room currently features mics, a full drum kit, a Yamaha keyboard and an acoustic guitar, and it’s located opposite the wine cellar (right by the JCR). The band room embodies the more musical side of college, and it’s a great place to practice without fear of being too noisy to your neighbors, so if you have any questions about it please don’t hesitate to message me.

Bike Rep - Ella Craddock
Email: ella.craddock@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi I’m Ella, I’m a second year French and German student and I’m going to be your bike rep next year! Basically New College owns a few bikes (I have aspirations to acquire more) which you can use to get about town/explore/go to lectures and stuff. I want to make them super easy to use and book so that anyone who wants to have a go at biking around can. If you have any vaguely bike related questions or funky ideas feel free to find me in freshers or drop an email!!!!

Tortoise Custodians - Emily Fraser and Mukhtar Quraishi
Emails: emily.fraser@new.ox.ac.uk and mukhtar.quraishi@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her and He/Him (Tessa is He/Him)
Hi, we are Emily and Mukhtar and we’re your tortoise custodians for the upcoming year! We’ll be taking care of the College tortoise Tessa this year, as well as running his social media accounts and preparing him for the annual tortoise race. You can all sign up to help us look after Tessa next year. The three of us look forward to meeting you all soon! :)

Wine Stewards - Mary Vickers and Tony Zhang
Emails: mary.vickers@new.ox.ac.uk and antonio.zhang@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her and He/Him
Hi! We’re Mary and Tony, second-year English and PPE students who will be your wine stewards this year. As guardians of the only student-run wine cellar in Oxford, we’ve put our livers and the JCR’s solvency on the line to source & provide you with the tastiest wines for every formal. Whether you’re looking for a replacement for Zesty White or a seasoned wine snob, we guarantee you’ll find something unexpected yet delicious in the cellar. Especially as we don’t make a profit, our wines are better value than anywhere else in Oxford. The cellar is conveniently located just under the JCR and is open from 6:40 before every formal. We also host wine-related events, including the ever-popular termly wine and cheese nights.

Mint Julep Quarterperson - Callum Haynes
Email: callum.haynes@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: He/Him
Hi, I’m Callum, a second year Chemist and I am the Mint Julep Quarterperson this year. This role is part of a New College tradition that began when William Trapier visited New College in 1845 and requested a Mint Julep drink. This cocktail of bourbon whisky, mint and sugar was not known in New College, which led him to leave an endowment which would provide a Mint Julep for every New College member each year. This is a really fun day in Trinity term and is a tradition that I look forward to upholding.

IT Officer - Lily George
Email: lily.george@new.ox.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her
Hi! I’m Lily and I’m a second year doing Maths and Computer Science, and I’ll be your IT officer this year! My job as IT officer means that I run the JCR website, as well as being available to help with any of your IT related problems. Feel free to send me an email or a message literally anytime and I’ll try to help no matter what the issue is!