Finance and Operations
Both the College and the University have a large amount of support available to you. It is practically unheard of for undergraduates to drop out of their studies due to financial difficulties. Whether you are applying for tuition fee loans or maintenance loans from Student Finance you need to apply

If you have any problems or questions with housing you can contact the Housing Officer or the Home Bursar ( If you wish to put in a formal complaint the complaints procedure is detailed here. To request a closed lid bin for your room contact

Food and Drink
Hall opening hoursBreakfast8am – 9am (Monday to Friday) Cooked, continental and cereal breakfasts are availableBrunch11am – 1pm (Saturdays) 10am – 1pm (Sundays)Lunch12.00 pm – 1.30 pm (Monday – Friday) Hot lunches, snacks and cold buffets are available Informal Hall 5.45 pm&…

New College has a thriving MADD (Music, Art, Drama and Dance) community with lots of opportunities to get involved. Bryce’s Coffee House is an informal event held a couple times a term in the bar, where anyone can try their hand at any music, poetry, comedy or otherwise MADD-related

New College is very active when it comes to charity — we raise thousands of pounds every year for charities voted for by the JCR. Part of this contribution comes from an optional battels levy, and voting takes place each term with a list of potential charities nominated by members of